Fast home delivery!
+ Boappa logo

Fast home delivery!

What do you need delivered?

icon for clear input button

Oops! You have to choose a title.

Pictures of what you need delivered

Oops! You need at least one image.

Please keep up to 4 images that best describe your item.

Recommended price: kr

försäkring möjlighet i tiptapp

Add an insurance in the next step. From 39,00 kr & without deductible.

Size of item

You must select a size

You will soon see some info about the size that you have selected

Delivery address

Oops! First add the street name and number and then select the right address from the list below.

icon for clear input button

Oops! Invalid address

Extra info (door code, floor..)

minus icon plus icon

Your phone number



Oops, invalid phone number

SMS with delivery details will be sent to you

Pickup address

Oops! First add the street name and number and then select the right address from the list below.

icon for clear input button

You have entered the same address for pickup and delivery, is this correct?

Oops! Invalid address

Extra info (door code, floor..)

minus icon plus icon

Time for pickup

When is the seller available for pickup?


Tomorrow >

(Select one or more time slots)

*Delivery usually takes place within 2h after pick-up

Campaign code

Oops! We couldn't find this code.

Oops! There was a problem on our end. Try again.

This code is valid only for first time advertisers



+19 kr will be added as a Tiptapp fee upon payment

Price must be between kr100 - kr2500


Why this payment  

The recommended price is based on the info given and the item you want delivered. E.g. distance and the size of the item. It is possible to adjust the price if you want.

icon why

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